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Select Your Style: Multi-Class Bundles | Vinyasa | Restorative | Ashtanga | Beginner
Multi Class Bundles
Shoulders + Thoracic mobility bundle
These classes will be moderately-paced, warming, and strengthening. The emphasis will be on shoulders and core, with a little bit of everything else thrown in for a balanced practice. Wall space will be good to have, as well as any blocks you have. Bundle includes four 90 minute classes
Strong Flow Bundle
These classes will be moderately-paced, warming, and strengthening. The emphasis will be on mobility, integration, and play. Wall space will be good to have, as well as any blocks and strap you may have on hand. Bundle includes five 90 minute classes.
Slow Flow Bundle
Soft, meandering, somatic and out of the box movement blended with traditional asana flows. Expect a nourishing practice that incorporates many ways of moving, leaving us energized and relaxed. Bundle includes five 90 minute classes.
Vinyasa Classes
90-100 Minute Classes
Self Love
Part flow, part self-massage, part restorative. We used a bolster ((couch cushions or two pillows work). This is a slower, quieter practice that incorporates some mobility and balance work.
A pretty deep practice focused on whole body connections, spiraling and active stretching of the hips and thoracic spine, with some intense myofascial release elements. Two tall blocks are used.
Dancing Around
A dynamic warm-up that mobilizes the spine and hips leads into a side-lying exploration of the hips. This sequence builds heat in unexpected ways. Grab a strap and make space to roll around :)
Shoulders and Core connection
Continuing the theme of shoulder range of motion exploration, this class connects the shoulders to the core, builds heat, and ends with some fun mobility work at the wall. Two blocks and a dowel-like object.
Shoulder Mobility Galore!
Shoulder mobility galore! Lots of ways to mobilize the shoulders and the thoracic spine in this warming and energizing practice. Grab a couple of blocks and get on the mat!
Flowy flow :)
A flowy flow ;) focused on thoracic extension, shoulder stability, and release through the chest. This one bumps up the intensity a bit from last week. Two blocks and/or small weights.
Outside the lines
A strong flow where we spend a good deal of time moving outside the boundaries of the mat. Core and hip stability are the foundations for thoracic and shoulder mobility. Grab a dowel (or a strap), a couple of blocks and move!
Neck and Sacrum Unwind
Neck, shoulder, and sacrum unwind. Imagine your back as a kite, grab two blocks, and move.
Deep Roots
A super deep and slow practice that focuses on the feet, ankles, and lower legs. We then move to release the lower back and abdominal tension in a variety of blanket supported shapes. One of my favorite practices for down regulating while still being flowy. A rolled yoga blanket (or something similar) and a couple of blocks are used throughout.
Shoulder Mobility with Dowel
Mobility city! Lots of work to find and increase the active range of motion of the shoulders using a dowel (I'm actually using a broom stick. Find something comparable). Big, intense work with lots of payoff. Two blocks and a dowel.
Pelvic Halves
A rather slow and gentle foray into the bony landmarks of the pelvis and hips, focused primarily on making space from the front. A strap and maybe a block or two help.
Femurs, Hips and Core Connection
Set the short end of your mat near a wall, grab a couple of blocks, and settle in for an in-depth exploration of the femur/hip socket/core relationship.
Feeling Hippy
A very slow practice focused on the relationship of the tailbone to the pelvis in hip extension, backbends, sidebends, and twists. Two blocks and maybe a wall. This is more of a 'feeling' practice and less of a 'doing' practice. Prepare to slow down and drop in.
Hip hip Hooray (intense!)
Grab a couple of blocks, set up near a wall. This one is rather intense.
3D, circular slow flow
One of those 360 practices that lingers in the hips. We start with the feet and ankles, move slowly to open the spine in 3D, and end with some flowing, energizing sun salutes. Two blocks.
Long holds, no frills
Long holds. Classic shapes. Lots of hips and backchain and intentional connection with the breath. This is a grounding fall practice. Two blocks and a strap help.
Sidebody and waist unwind
A side body, twisty, stretchy super-slow flow. Lots of time to unwind the waist and ribcage and hips. Grab a couple of blocks (bolster is nice here too!).
Hip Strength, Spinal Waves
The last in the November series, we use spinal waves to wake up, then progressively explore single leg and hip strength. Two blocks are used.
Low back, core, and hips
We start with spiraling movements to unwind the lower back, work through a steady flow, then revisit the hips and spirals and sneak in some core-play. A block is good to have.
The Holding Container + Transitional Objects
Grab a dowel like object (I'm using a broomstick), set up near a wall, and explore your relationship with your environment. This class focuses on the hip hinge, on proprioception, and on shoulder mobility. We end with a bit of release at the wall.
In case of fire (90 min)
What happens when the foundation changes? Explore your core in this challenging and playful flow. We use two dumbbells in the beginning, but you can do without.
Slow Flow #6
A spinal focused, deeply nourishing practice. Grab a couple of blocks and drop in.
Groovy Grove Flow with Sam
A recording of a live, in person class at my home 'studio' in the redwood grove with Sam Wax and friends. A multi-planar, groovy practice that moves the spine, hips, and shoulders in circular movements. A block is used.
Energetic Flow Chest and upper back focused
This is a great practice after hours of screen time. We begin with opening the upper back, move through sun salutations, open the chest, shoulders, and close with some optional inversions. Two blocks and one strap.
All Wrapped Up
An opening, slow-ish, steady flow. Focused on the shoulders, chest, and outer hips. A strap and two blocks are helpful.
Slow Vinyasa
A grounding, flowing practice that wakes up the major muscle groups through a slow warm up, leads to balancing postures, and ends with hip work and backbends.
Stable and Steady
A steady, flowing practice that focuses on hip and core stability. Blocks help.
Deep Release
A slow flow designed to release tension all over. Grab a couple of blocks and take a bit of time to let go.
Weighted Flow
grab a couple of light weights and a bolster (or blanket), and fire up your core through out of the box movements. Perfect for a morning practice, or, as a midday booster shot of energy.
Handstand Flow
A strong flow working the shoulders, core, and the lower body. We play at the wall in weight bearing and non-weight bearing ways. Two blocks help. If handstands are not in your practice, there is plenty to explore here that doesn't involve time on your hands.
Front Body Flow
A slow, methodical exploration of front body lengthening that pays special attention to the shoulders and the thoracic spine. Two blocks and a strap are used.
Core Tour
An in depth exploration of the core, this practice is intense, deep, and potentially revelatory :)
Slow Flow #3
Roll and unroll your spine in this deep exploration of the inner spaces of the body. Slow, mindful, and steady. Grab a blanket and flow.
More Core
An immersive experience of the core. We start with using a couple of weights to help stabilize the upper body and fire up our center, then move mindfully through standing postures with specific attention paid to the core. Challenging, rewarding, and soothing. Grab a couple of hand weights and drop in.
Slow Flow #4
Mindful, juicy movement that releases the chest, shoulders, upper spine, and hips. Grab a blanket, and a couple of blocks, and flow.
Feeling it All
start at the wall with some deep stretching, then move freely and in all directions in this intuitive, full-spectrum flow. A looped strap and the wall are used.
Asymmetric Backbends
A feel good, grounding practice that opens the shoulders, front and side bodies and weaves in a variety of asymmetric backbends. Grab a strap and drop in.
Blocking it Out
Grab two blocks and enjoy the freedom of a little distance away from the floor in this expansive flow.
Strong Block Flow
Opening, warming, and strengthening flow for the whole body. Grab two blocks and prepare to sweat :)
Slow Flow #5
A warming, circular, spirally flow that lands you in unexpected places. It's one of those practices that will wring you out and leave you refreshed.
360 Hips and Core
A challenging, heat-building practice that focuses on the relationship between the hips and the core in various shapes. We play with arm balances and transitions as well as hip openers.
A slowish, strong practice that start by waking up the core and dives into all aspects of the hips.
Upside down
A shoulder-focused, strong flow that builds toward forearm balance. A strap and two blocks help.
Don't lose your marbles
an exploration of the pelvis, hips, and spine that uses a looped strap to wake up the core. Potent and balancing all at the same time.
45-60 Minute Classes
Brisk Vinyasa #7 (50 minutes)
A playful, strongish flow focusing on shoulder strength and hip mobility to build toward an arm balance (with many progressive options to explore along the way). Two blocks can be very helpful.
All the Things #3 (60 minutes)
A full spectrum practice that starts with gentle, circular movements to mobilize the hips and shoulders, moves through standing poses, and lands in hip openers.
Brisk Vinyasa #8 (45 Minutes)
An active and efficient practice that releases the hips and hamstrings, wakes up the core and shoulders, and plays with forearm balance. A block and a strap.
Core and Things (45 minutes)
A dynamic practice of sun salutes, standing, core play, backbends, twists, and a little bit of hips.
Brisk Vinyasa #9 (50 minutes)
A moving, flowing full -spectrum practice that warms you up and releases the hips and spine. Two blocks help.
Firefly part 2 (45 minutes)
Hips, core, and shoulders are the focus of this rather strong practice. A strap is used, but you could do without.
Firefly (45 minutes)
Start with breath of fire, move through standing poses, roll around and fire up the core. Energizing and efficient.
Brisk Vinyasa #10 (45 Minutes)
Work out all the kinks with this efficient practice focused on shoulders and thoracic mobility. Two Blocks help.
Hips and thoracic mobility (45 Minutes)
A deep dive into all corners of the hips joints with a good dash of shoulder and upper spine mobility woven in. Great for an end of the day practice. Two blocks.
rotation Station (60 Minutes)
A practice with minimal weight-bearing on the shoulders (no plank or chatturanga, only one down dog!), but plenty of rotational work with the shoulders, spine, and hips. Invigorating, clearing, and maybe illuminating. A bath towel is used.
20-30 Minute Classes
Quick fix #4 (20 Minutes)
A quick practice that wakes the body up, releases the hips and spine, and ends with backbends. Invigorating and complete.
Quick fix #6 (30 Minutes)
A fun, warming and energizing practice of sun salutes, core, and handstands. Set up near a wall and have fun!
Restorative Classes
30-60 Minute Classes
Nervous System Reset #1 (60 Minutes)
Down-regulation to facilitate dialogue with the nervous system. Passive stretching and long holds for shoulders, hips, and general grounding.
Accessible to all levels (especially luxurious with props)
Props: Blocks (cushions, stool, small seat), strap (bathrobe tie, scarf), blankets (optional)
Nervous System Reset #2 (60 Minutes)
Restorative end of day practice, tapping the parasympathetic nervous system with long holds for hips, neck, shoulders, and upper back.
Level: Accessible to all, greatly enhanced with props.
Props: Blocks, blanket, strap (bathrobe tie, scarf, etc).
Nervous System Reset #3 (50 Minutes)
Dynamic, unstructured movements free up nervous energy and settle into more restorative, supported postures for a full reset experience.
Level: Accessible to all, greatly enhanced with props (formal or improvised).
Props: A couple of blocks, blanket, strap, optional bolster (several rolled blankets)
Nervous System Reset #4 (45 Minutes)
Simple reclining hip exploration and twists lead to spinal and shoulders mobilization on all fours with the help of a blanket. Finish the practice with a few seated hip openers. Soothing, energizing, and centering practice appropriate for all. Props: Blanket and strap.
Nervous System Reset #5 (45 Minutes)
A shoulder, neck, and hip focused reset that starts with spinal rolling, uses the wall for deep release in a variety of shapes, and settles everything down using a sandbag. A blanket, a wall, a sandbag (or a bag of beans/rice/dirt from your garden) are used throughout.
Nervous system reset #7 (45 Minutes)
Move and release tension from the upper back and shoulders using your breath to access sticky spots. Two blocks, one blanket.
Nervous System Reset #6 (30 Minutes)
A shoulder and upper back focused practice that focuses on releasing tension, and down regulating the nervous system. Great after a day of sitting and laptopping. Two block.
Nervous system reset + Restore (45 Minutes)
shaking and rolling movements are followed by several supported restorative postures that release tension in the hips and groin and shoulders. Two blocks, a bolster, and a blanket are used, but make use of whatever you have on hand.
Mini-reset with Chair (30 Minutes)
A 'clean out the cobwebs' practice using a yoga chair, 2 blankets, and a block.
Ashtanga Classes
45-90 Minute Classes
(Almost) Full Primary (90 Minutes)
A steadily moving, breath-based practice that follows the ashtanga primary sequence (for the most part). Expect sun salutes, foundational standing postures, forward bends, twists, and hip openers + some backbends to wrap it all up. Blocks are helpful.
Full Led Primary Series (85 Minutes)
A recording of a live outdoor class with a short talk. If you have been practicing Ashtanga for a little while, and have started with the essentials and half primary videos, this is the complete series.
Ashtanga mashup (80 Minutes)
Vigorous, fast pace Ashtanga-inspired practice, drawing from the primary and second series. Begins with sun salutations, moving through a strong standing series, grounding seated forward folds, variety of twists, and winding down with energizing backbends/ chest opening and inversions.
Level: Intermediate; opportunities to dial back intensity abound, still probably not a practice to do with your three year old, or without a sense of humor.
Props: 2 blocks, optional strap, firm blankets if practicing shoulder stand.
Playful (half) intermediate series (80 Minutes)
An unorthodox approach to some of the postures of the ashtanga intermediate series. sun salutes, standing, some arm balancing, lots of backbending and twists. Two blocks and a wall are used.
Second Series Remixed (80 Minutes)
A reimagining of the Ashtanga Second Series sequence. This is a strong, fun practice that works toward big backbends, big hip openers, and several inversions. Not appropriate for beginners or folks who prefer mellower practices.
Ashtanga Remixed (75 Minutes)
A steadily moving flow of basic postures that aim to open the front and back of the body, and reconnect you to your breath. A block is helpful, but not necessary.
Ashtanga Essentials (70 Minutes)
a breath-based, steady practice that takes all the 'weird' poses out of the ashtanga sequence and leaves in all the good bits. A meditative, accessible, and grounding set of postures set to the steady metronome of the breath. Barebones and efficient, and hitting all the right spots. There's very little technical cuing in this class. Just a counting of the breath, and enough information to get in and out of the familiar postures safely.
Level: Accessible to all familiar and comfortable with sun salutes.
Props: Optional blocks and strap.
Half-Primary (60 Minutes)
Sun salutes, standing postures, forward folds and twists. A complete, flowing, and grounding practice that can be easily modified to fit your needs.
Ashtanga-esque (45 Minutes)
A short practice that builds on the steadiness of the ashtanga sequences, while making it accessible to all. Low on frills, high on focus.
20-75 Minute Classes
Wall Practice (75 Minutes)
Use the wall and a strap to stretch, open, strengthen. Two blocks also help.
Clearing the cobwebs (45 min)
One of those circular, spiraling, inward-looking practices that leaves you feeling refreshed and wondering what just happened :)
Two blocks and a blanket help. And a puppy in a sweater, if you've got one ❤️
Easy Peasy Practice (45 Minutes)
A grounding, clearing, accessible practice to set you right at the end of a work day, or, in the morning. Perfect for coming back to the mat after a break. Two blocks, a strap, and a blanket.
Chest and Shoulders, oh my! (45 Minutes)
A simple yet intense practice opening the chest, shoulders, and upper spine. Grab two blocks and reverse that ZOOM gloom.
Rock and Roll (80 Minutes)
start on your back with gentle rocking and rolling. Move to a low standing position to open the hips and then gradually work your way to standing. A sweet way to end your day. Two blocks.
Hips and Low back Tune up (45 Minutes)
A quick and thorough practice targeting the hips, legs, and low back. Roll up a blanket, grab a strap, and settle in.
Hips and Core (30 Minutes)
A deep dive into the legs, hips, and how they connect to the core. Simple, accessible movements that can lead to settling the nervous system.
Roll with it (20 Minutes)
A clearing, opening practice for the spine, shoulders, and hips. Great for middle of the day recharge, or early morning practice.
Quick Reset (25 Minutes)
Start with mobilizing the shoulders, neck, and upper spine, then move into long held restorative postures for a complete reset. A strap and a couple of bolsters are used, but you can improvise with what you have on hand.
Stretchy (band) hips (20 Minutes)
A strengthening practice for the hips and core that uses a resistance band throughout. Perfect for a pre practice activation, or, to 'put things back together' after a yoga practice. Or, as a standalone, daily hip hygiene practice. You can do the movements without, but bands are highly recommended!