Private Yoga
Yoga is intimacy and integration. Developmentally, we rely on others’ seeing us in order to grow and come to know ourselves.
In my private sessions, I work with folks in an expansive way to find the appropriate holding container for where they are in their life.
For some, this takes the shape of learning the postural practice that allows them to get in touch with their embodied experience, feel the confidence and ease that yoga can make possible off the mat, and notice moments of clarity and peace in the afterglow of physical asana. I love working with beginners in this way, as the group experience can often intimidate and alienate folks with physical challenges, or, different ways of learning.
Others, come to me to rework their practice post-injury, physical trauma, pregnancy, or a period of absence from the mat.
Some students want to work one-on-one in order to have their emotional, psychic, and spiritual processes witnessed and held as a way to ultimately integrate the many layers of their experience. Yoga, by its very nature, unearths somatic memories, emotions, and psychic wounds. In group classes, students are often left to work through what comes up on their own, and while this works for some, others find that they need a bit more guidance in uniting all that rises to the surface of their consciousness; in other words, the Yoga of it all.
In these sessions, we use a mix of somatic exploration and asana coupled with co-meditation where student and teacher acknowledge and explore the shared field of experience to access the sense of wholeness inherent in us all.
Wherever you are on your journey with Yoga, and whatever your current needs, the work we do together aims to meet you in your current state. These sessions are student-led and teacher-supported, and as such, move at the rate of intensity that is appropriate for you. Consent, transparency, and compassionate holding are the foundations of these sessions.