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Ashtanga Siena Walker Ashtanga Siena Walker

Ashtanga Essentials

70 Minutes

a breath-based, steady practice that takes all the 'weird' poses out of the ashtanga sequence and leaves in all the good bits. A meditative, accessible, and grounding set of postures set to the steady metronome of the breath. Barebones and efficient, and hitting all the right spots. There's very little technical cuing in this class. Just a counting of the breath, and enough information to get in and out of the familiar postures safely.

Level: Accessible to all familiar and comfortable with sun salutes.

Props: Optional blocks and strap.

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No Flow Siena Walker No Flow Siena Walker

chatturanga free practice

70 Minutes

Accessible, full-body flow directing weight and strain away from wrists and shoulders. These variations can be applied to make any other more ”typical” flow more manageable.

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Vinyasa Siena Walker Vinyasa Siena Walker

All the things #2

70 Minutes

A full spectrum, flowing practice that moves through the standing postures with special attention paid to the shoulders, opens the front body, wakes up the core, and settles into the hips. Two blocks.

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