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Hips and Core
30 Minutes
A deep dive into the legs, hips, and how they connect to the core. Simple, accessible movements that can lead to settling the nervous system.
Nervous System Reset #6
30 Minutes
A shoulder and upper back focused practice that focuses on releasing tension, and down regulating the nervous system. Great after a day of sitting and laptopping. Two block.
Mini-reset with Chair
30 Minutes
A 'clean out the cobwebs' practice using a yoga chair, 2 blankets, and a block.
Quick fix #6
A fun, warming and energizing practice of sun salutes, core, and handstands. Set up near a wall and have fun!
Quick fix #3
30 Minutes
An expansive, full-spectrum practice that can be used as a go to morning practice, a mid-day pick me up, or as a way to calm and settle your system at the end of the day. One blanket is used.
Hips! Hips! Hips!
30 minutes
No flow. No time on the hands. Just 30 minutes of moving the hips in all the ways. Great for mornings, post-workout, or, last thing before bed.