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Core and Restorative
90 minutes
Grab a bolster and two blocks. This one is great for the nervous system as it resources with core awakening and rest.
Hip Release (5/15/22)
40 minutes
this is the first portion of a longer class (the audio failed half-way through. Thank mercury retrograde?). It’s a slow hip and spine release that can be a stand alone practice or a warm up to a longer flow.
Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)
90 minutes
A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.
Somatic Exploration
20 minutes
One of my favorite practices for times when everything feels a bit ‘too much’. It slows things down, allows me to feel into the spaces inside without ‘doing’ or imposing shapes. Move like water. Lucy approves :)
Nervous system reset + Restore
45 Minutes
shaking and rolling movements are followed by several supported restorative postures that release tension in the hips and groin and shoulders. Two blocks, a bolster, and a blanket are used, but make use of whatever you have on hand.
Nervous system reset #7
45 Minutes
Move and release tension from the upper back and shoulders using your breath to access sticky spots. Two blocks, one blanket.
Nervous System Reset #6
30 Minutes
A shoulder and upper back focused practice that focuses on releasing tension, and down regulating the nervous system. Great after a day of sitting and laptopping. Two block.
Nervous System Reset #3
50 Minutes
Dynamic, unstructured movements free up nervous energy and settle into more restorative, supported postures for a full reset experience.
Level: Accessible to all, greatly enhanced with props (formal or improvised).
Props: A couple of blocks, blanket, strap, optional bolster (several rolled blankets)
Nervous System Reset #2
60 Minutes
Restorative end of day practice, tapping the parasympathetic nervous system with long holds for hips, neck, shoulders, and upper back.
Level: Accessible to all, greatly enhanced with props.
Props: Blocks, blanket, strap (bathrobe tie, scarf, etc).
Nervous System Reset #5
45 Minutes
A shoulder, neck, and hip focused reset that starts with spinal rolling, uses the wall for deep release in a variety of shapes, and settles everything down using a sandbag. A blanket, a wall, a sandbag (or a bag of beans/rice/dirt from your garden) are used throughout.
Mini-reset with Chair
30 Minutes
A 'clean out the cobwebs' practice using a yoga chair, 2 blankets, and a block.
Nervous System Reset #1
60 Minutes
D o w n - r e g u l a t i o n to facilitate dialogue with the nervous system. Passive stretching and long holds for shoulders, hips, and general grounding.
Accessible to all levels (especially luxurious with props)
Props: Blocks (cushions, stool, small seat), strap (bathrobe tie, scarf), blankets (optional)
Yin/Restorative #3
45 Minutes
A nourishing and releasing practice using a bolster and a blanket.
Yin/Restorative #2
60 Minutes
Long, passive holds to down regulate the nervous system and release tension.
Nervous system reset #4
45 Minutes
Simple reclining hip exploration and twists lead to spinal and shoulders mobilization on all fours with the help of a blanket. Finish the practice with a few seated hip openers. Soothing, energizing, and centering practice appropriate for all. Props: Blanket and strap.