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Post-Storm Nervous system reset
80 minutes
this post-storm (internal/external) flow is like a massage for the inner spaces of the body. Circular movements that require core integration are the theme here.
Meditative Balancing Flow
80 minutes
A fun, slow moving flow that builds a good amount of heat and plays with out of the box transitions. A block helps.
Second Series Remixed
80 Minutes
A reimagining of the Ashtanga Second Series sequence. This is a strong, fun practice that works toward big backbends, big hip openers, and several inversions. Not appropriate for beginners or folks who prefer mellower practices.
Playful (half) intermediate series
80 Minutes
An unorthodox approach to some of the postures of the ashtanga intermediate series. sun salutes, standing, some arm balancing, lots of backbending and twists. Two blocks and a wall are used.
Ashtanga mashup
Vigorous, fast pace Ashtanga-inspired practice, drawing from the primary and second series. Begins with sun salutations, moving through a strong standing series, grounding seated forward folds, variety of twists, and winding down with energizing backbends/ chest opening and inversions.
Level: Intermediate; opportunities to dial back intensity abound, still probably not a practice to do with your three year old, or without a sense of humor.
Props: 2 blocks, optional strap, firm blankets if practicing shoulder stand.
Unblock Yourself
80 Minutes
A deep practice that uses blocks for most postures and transitions to provide constant feedback and support.
Making Shapes
80 Minutes
A strong flow that uses fun transitions to explore arm balances, and hip and core connection. Two blocks.
groovy grove flow #2
80 Minutes
A meditative and grounding exploration of the tailbone in movement with a focus on twists.
Slow Backbending Flow
80 Minutes
active and passive spine mobilization practice offering all the benefits of backbending and chest opening (one of which is lung care) without pursuing the typical “big backbend” shapes.
Rinse and Repeat
80 Minutes
A simple, full-spectrum flow with built-in repetitions between familiar postures. Two blocks will help create more ease.
bird of paradise
80 Minutes
A moderately challenging practice that focuses on the connection of the core to the inner legs through a variety of balancing postures and transitions. Two blocks and a strap help, but not required.