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Post-Storm Nervous system reset
80 minutes
this post-storm (internal/external) flow is like a massage for the inner spaces of the body. Circular movements that require core integration are the theme here.
Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)
90 minutes
A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.
Roll into Spring (3/20/22)
90 minutes
Grab a rolled blanket (a foam roller works in a pinch), and settle in for a deeply balancing practice. Hips, thoracic spine, shoulders, everything gets some love. We also use two blocks at times, but the blanket is the star here.