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Core and Restorative
90 minutes
Grab a bolster and two blocks. This one is great for the nervous system as it resources with core awakening and rest.
Post-Storm Nervous system reset
80 minutes
this post-storm (internal/external) flow is like a massage for the inner spaces of the body. Circular movements that require core integration are the theme here.
360 sides and hips
90 minutes
ooey gooey movement that feels like an internal massage for the fascia. Two blocks.
Cultivating Stability
90 minutes
Lots of requests for stability flows these days. Must be in the air, this need for anchoring and some degree of rootedness. Here’s a nice, quiet, and intense flow that centers of stability and deepening our awareness. A dowel is used sparingly. You could certainly do without.
Hippie Flow #3
60 minutes
A feel good, hippie flow. We move in all sorts of ways in 60 minutes.
Straightforward hippie flow
60 minutes
To the point and all encompassing, this flow is quiet, steady, and drops into some interesting spots inside.
Find your feet!
90 minutes
Lots of foot work in this practice. Grab a couple of blocks and get curious about the connection between your feet and pretty much everything else!
Backbends and Hips
90 minutes
We start in passive, restorative postures that set the ground work for extending our hips, spines, and shoulders. Then, move slowly through standing postures with special attention paid to backbends and finally, move into the hips through a series of seated postures. Two blocks.
Core and Hip Stability (9/1/22)
60 minutes
A deep dive into asymmetric core and hip stability, this class veers away from traditional flow sequences while still providing plenty of opportunity for building heat and focus. A block is a must, a bolster is nice to have.
Grounding into Space (8/18/22)
60 minutes
First practice in our new/old home. First of many practices inspired by the trees and their resilience and impermanence. Grab two blocks and a strap and join me as I try to be present with what arises in this space ❤️
360 hip flow #2 (8/12/22)
60 minutes
An efficient hip and thoracic exploration. A strap and a couple of blocks help. This one will be good to repeat a few times.
Creative Flow (7/28/22)
60 minutes
A continuous, creative flow. Grab two blocks and move through balancing standing poses that build on each other.
Hips and Shoulders Flow #2 (7/26/22)
90 minutes
We start in a restorative shape to settle into the hips and shoulders, then move through a steadily building flow. Two blocks and a bolster help but not required.
‘The diaphragm is the truth-teller’ (7/19)
90 minutes
A slow, meditative exploration of the connection of the diaphragm, the pelvic floor, and our nervous system.
Return and Resource (7/12/22)
90 minutes
One of those practices that are perfect for falling back in love with your practice. Slow, intentional movement that takes you inside and allows for ample time to settle into yourself. Great for returning to practice after an illness or absence.
All the things 22
60 minutes
A sixty minute, all inclusive practice on the stronger side. Fun, efficient, effective. Great for the days when you just need to move.
Holy Hips! (6/2/22)
60 minutes
A deep, spiraling, out of the box hip-focused practice. Lots of rolling around, playful core activation weaves the postures together. Great to do before or after a workout, or, at the end of the day.
Hip Release (5/15/22)
40 minutes
this is the first portion of a longer class (the audio failed half-way through. Thank mercury retrograde?). It’s a slow hip and spine release that can be a stand alone practice or a warm up to a longer flow.
Hips and shoulders flow (5/3/22)
Length: 90 minutes
A pretty old-school, straight-up flow with a good amount of intensity. We focus on the hips and shoulders and end with backbends. Two blocks help as does access to a wall.
Wall medicine (5/1/22)
60 minutes
A hip-focused, wall-based practice that uses the wall to investigate grounding and maneuvering the hips from the feet. Minimal weight-bearing on the hands. Two blocks, a strap, and a blanket make this practice more accessible.