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Pulsating Awareness
90 minutes
The class takes shape around the inquiry of support. Where do we release into support, where do we hold? Through a circular flow that incorporates pulsating movements, we settle into the hips, quads, and hip flexors, sometimes engaging, sometimes letting go.
A block is helpful.
Surge and Recede Slow Flow (1/16/22)
90 minutes
We start on our sides and explore the waves of energy that pulse through the limbs, then move through a slow flow, pumping the legs, opening and closing the ‘chain’, and connecting to the earth through watery movements.
Grab a couple of blocks and move stuck energy through.
Holy Psoas! (1/6/22)
90 minutes
A strong, flowing practice focused on contra-lateral movements and stretches, twists and side bends, with chest opening woven through out. A couple of blocks and a sturdy chair/couch (optional).
Quad-Knee-Heart Medicine (1/4/22)
90 minutes
Grab a bolster, and a block or two and dive into this core-activating, quad lengthening, and knee strengthening practice, all the while opening the chest :)
Post-Holiday Unwind
90 Minutes
A thorough unwinding of the thoracic, shoulder, and hip region. Blocks and straps may be useful.
A pretty deep practice focused on whole body connections, spiraling and active stretching of the hips and thoracic spine, with some intense myofascial release elements. Two tall blocks are used.
Deep Roots
90 Minutes
A super deep and slow practice that focuses on the feet, ankles, and lower legs. We then move to release the lower back and abdominal tension in a variety of blanket supported shapes. One of my favorite practices for down regulating while still being flowy. A rolled yoga blanket (or something similar) and a couple of blocks are used throughout.
3D, circular slow flow
One of those 360 practices that lingers in the hips. We start with the feet and ankles, move slowly to open the spine in 3D, and end with some flowing, energizing sun salutes. Two blocks.
Long holds, no frills
90 Minutes
Long holds. Classic shapes. Lots of hips and backchain and intentional connection with the breath. This is a grounding fall practice. Two blocks and a strap help.
Sidebody and waist unwind
90 Minutes
A side body, twisty, stretchy super-slow flow. Lots of time to unwind the waist and ribcage and hips. Grab a couple of blocks (bolster is nice here too!).
Neck and Sacrum Unwind
90 Minutes
Neck, shoulder, and sacrum unwind. Imagine your back as a kite, grab two blocks, and move.
Outside the lines
90 Minutes
A strong flow where we spend a good deal of time moving outside the boundaries of the mat. Core and hip stability are the foundations for thoracic and shoulder mobility. Grab a dowel (or a strap), a couple of blocks and move!
Dancing Around
90 Minutes
A dynamic warm-up that mobilizes the spine and hips leads into a side-lying exploration of the hips. This sequence builds heat in unexpected ways. Grab a strap and make space to roll around :)
The Holding Container + Transitional Objects
90 Minutes
Grab a dowel like object (I'm using a broomstick), set up near a wall, and explore your relationship with your environment. This class focuses on the hip hinge, on proprioception, and on shoulder mobility. We end with a bit of release at the wall.
Low back, core, and hips
90 Minutes
We start with spiraling movements to unwind the lower back, work through a steady flow, then revisit the hips and spirals and sneak in some core-play. A block is good to have.
Hip Strength, Spinal Waves
90 Minutes
The last in the November series, we use spinal waves to wake up, then progressively explore single leg and hip strength. Two blocks are used.
Hip hip Hooray (intense!)
90 Minutes
Grab a couple of blocks, set up near a wall. This one is rather intense.
Feeling Hippy
90 Minutes
A very slow practice focused on the relationship of the tailbone to the pelvis in hip extension, backbends, sidebends, and twists. Two blocks and maybe a wall. This is more of a 'feeling' practice and less of a 'doing' practice. Prepare to slow down and drop in.
Femurs, Hips and Core Connection
90 Minutes
Set the short end of your mat near a wall, grab a couple of blocks, and settle in for an in-depth exploration of the femur/hip socket/core relationship.