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Hip flexors and Hams
90 minutes
An all around practice that works with mobility of hamstrings and hip flexors. Having a dowel like prop is helpful, but not necessary.
Hips and Core strength
60 minutes
A pretty intense and short practice focused on hip and core strength. We spend some time breaking down one leg movements first using a chair (or couch or bed), then blocks, then eventually the floor.
Forearm and Core
60 minutes
A fun, intense flow focused on forearms, shoulders, and core. Strengthening and a little wild.
Dowel flow
60 minutes
A little personal note at the beginning, and, a strength-focused flow using a dowel or broom stick. Tap into your center and find your ground.
Hamstring Rehab (10/6/22)
60 minutes
A strengthening practice designed with achy or injured hamstrings in mind. Grab a dowel and maybe a block or two, and get in touch with your hammies.
Creative Flow (7/28/22)
60 minutes
A continuous, creative flow. Grab two blocks and move through balancing standing poses that build on each other.
Scaffold and Spice (4/12/22)
90 minutes
Welcome to the culinary-metaphor series :) Yoga is a balance of opposing forces: a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The kicker is that this is a highly dynamic and subjective process, changing moment to moment and body to body. It’s a lot like cooking: how much spice, salt, sugar do you need to get what tastes good to you AND is nourishing?
This practice aims to drop us into our inner experience in a way that we can discern and fine-tune the spicy-ness of our postural practice. On the physical level, the hips and feet are the focal points.
Foot to core pyramid (3/8/22)
90 minutes
A strong practice that explores the inner foot to pelvic floor pathway, works the quads and hips through a series of pulsating and balancing postures, and ends in supported and active backbends. We used a foam roller and a couple of blocks, but can easily use just blocks and/or bolsters and blankets.
Being with (dis)comfort (2/2/22)
90 minutes
We begin with static long holds in several hip opening postures as a way of working with discomfort, titrating intensity, and finding our way to ease. The flow leads us to backbending, and we end with a grounding forward folding sequence. The more props, the better.
Inner Compass (2/15/22)
90 minute
A less flowy practice that methodically opens the hip flexors, inner legs, and thoracic spine leading us to dance pose and compass. A whole lot of hip work in this strong practice!Two blocks and a strap.
Core in the time of Covid (1/25/22)
90 minutes
This practice begins with a talk about the effects of the times on our nervous systems, we then move into breath-centered core work using a strap as a boundary. The standing series activates the hips and core, challenging our stability. A strap and a couple of blocks help.