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Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)

90 minutes

A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.

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Vinyasa, strength, Hips, Meditative Flow Erika Abrahamian Vinyasa, strength, Hips, Meditative Flow Erika Abrahamian

Scaffold and Spice (4/12/22)

90 minutes

Welcome to the culinary-metaphor series :) Yoga is a balance of opposing forces: a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The kicker is that this is a highly dynamic and subjective process, changing moment to moment and body to body. It’s a lot like cooking: how much spice, salt, sugar do you need to get what tastes good to you AND is nourishing?

This practice aims to drop us into our inner experience in a way that we can discern and fine-tune the spicy-ness of our postural practice. On the physical level, the hips and feet are the focal points.

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