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Horizontal and circular hipsploration (4/26/22)
90 minutes
We start by using a strap to feel the circular nature of our breath, lift and support the spine, and drop into sensation. The flow takes us through a deep and low to the ground exploration of the hips, weaving in some backbends. Two blocks and a strap.
Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)
90 minutes
A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.
Cylinders and Hip Creases (4/19/22)
90 minutes
The internal focus of this practice is on 3D breathing, allowing access to the core and deep pelvic/hip awareness. Through this process, we drop into the hips and shoulders, spending ample time feeling and moving. We start at the wall.
Scaffold and Spice (4/12/22)
90 minutes
Welcome to the culinary-metaphor series :) Yoga is a balance of opposing forces: a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The kicker is that this is a highly dynamic and subjective process, changing moment to moment and body to body. It’s a lot like cooking: how much spice, salt, sugar do you need to get what tastes good to you AND is nourishing?
This practice aims to drop us into our inner experience in a way that we can discern and fine-tune the spicy-ness of our postural practice. On the physical level, the hips and feet are the focal points.
Twist and Roll (4/5/22)
90 minutes
Another blanket-centric slow practice that unwinds the kinks along the neck and upper back, helps feel into the hips and release tension. Lots of twists and circular movements and options are given throughout.
Gentle Mobility Flow (3/27/22)
90 minutes
A very patient and slow practice that moves outside the box with circular, somatic movements. This one is great if you’ve been sitting a lot, or don’t have a ton of energy and want something sweet for your joints.
Roll into Spring (3/20/22)
90 minutes
Grab a rolled blanket (a foam roller works in a pinch), and settle in for a deeply balancing practice. Hips, thoracic spine, shoulders, everything gets some love. We also use two blocks at times, but the blanket is the star here.
Rainy day flow 2022 (3/15/22)
90 minutes
A slow and mindful flow that weaves standing balancing postures and seated poses to create a full-spectrum practice. Nurturing, balancing, and calming. Two blocks are nice to have.
Hip Focused Wall Practice (3/13/22)
90 minutes
A pretty intense and slow practice that uses the wall to open and strengthen the shoulders, hips, and overall proprioception. Two blocks and a blanket are used. This one has all the feels.
All the hip things (3/6/22)
90 minutes
As the name suggests, this is a deep dive into the hips with a good amount of neck, shoulder, and thoracic release thrown in. Slow, deep, and restorative. Two blocks and a strap.
Being with (dis)comfort (2/2/22)
90 minutes
We begin with static long holds in several hip opening postures as a way of working with discomfort, titrating intensity, and finding our way to ease. The flow leads us to backbending, and we end with a grounding forward folding sequence. The more props, the better.
Inner Compass (2/15/22)
90 minute
A less flowy practice that methodically opens the hip flexors, inner legs, and thoracic spine leading us to dance pose and compass. A whole lot of hip work in this strong practice!Two blocks and a strap.
Slow balancing flow (2/13/22)
90 minutes
Grab a foam roller (or blocks, or a rolled blanket), unwind the upper back and shoulders, and get moving in this slow exploration of various balancing postures and transitions.
To the Point! (2/11/22)
60 minutes
By popular demand, a 60 min strong flow that gets right to the point. Not a whole lot of talking, lots of breathing and moving. Two blocks can help.
Core in the time of Covid (1/25/22)
90 minutes
This practice begins with a talk about the effects of the times on our nervous systems, we then move into breath-centered core work using a strap as a boundary. The standing series activates the hips and core, challenging our stability. A strap and a couple of blocks help.
Slow (core) Flow (1/23/22)
90 minutes
start with a thorough, down-regulating hip and core sequence. Move to spinal undulations, and a slow hip and core focused standing series. Finish with gentle back-bending and twists. A bolster or pillow, and two blocks are helpful.
Pulsating Awareness
90 minutes
The class takes shape around the inquiry of support. Where do we release into support, where do we hold? Through a circular flow that incorporates pulsating movements, we settle into the hips, quads, and hip flexors, sometimes engaging, sometimes letting go.
A block is helpful.