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Core Issues (6/14/22)
90 minutes
Awareness of the core of our bodies is one of the most effective ways of regulating the nervous system. This practice puts this concept to use as we move through familiar shapes, choosing to focus our attention on the center of our bodies.
Floor Practice (6/23/22)
60 minutes
A low to the ground, out of the box practice that uses the ground force in a variety of ways. Core, hips, backbends are woven into a flow that never once passes through plank or down dog :) It’s nice to have some space around you. We do ‘off road’ quite a bit, and some padding for sensitive knees is a good idea.
Solstice Flow (6/21/22)
90 minutes
One of my favorite practices to date, this is an energizing practice that is part nervous system activation, part mobility practice. We fling and bounce and shake and play, in this ode to the beginning of summer. Perfect for low energy times when you need to be lovingly shaken out of the previous season’s doldrums :)
A strap, a bolster, and some blocks are used. But you only really need your body.
Backbends and the nervous system (6/16/22)
60 minutes
Backbends tend to stimulate our sympathetic nervous system. This practice invites us to discern between physical sensation and emotional residue that often comes up when we backbend. Two blocks and a bolster offer support and feedback.
Sensation, Stress, and Discernment (6/7/22)
90 minutes
A steady flow that uses familiar forms as investigations into sensation, emotions, and the moment to moment discernment between the two. Lots of hips, and a quiet, inward practice. Two blocks are used.
Core and Inversions (6/9/22)
60 minutes
A wall-assisted out of the box practice that plays with several shapes in different relationships to gravity. Lots of core, some time on the hands, finishing with a wall-supported shoulder stand.
Holy Hips! (6/2/22)
60 minutes
A deep, spiraling, out of the box hip-focused practice. Lots of rolling around, playful core activation weaves the postures together. Great to do before or after a workout, or, at the end of the day.
Spiral Bound (5/29/22)
90 minutes
A slow flow that focuses on 3D thoracic rotation and spiraling backbends. A strap and a rolled blanket/bolster are used, though you could do without.
Hip Release (5/15/22)
40 minutes
this is the first portion of a longer class (the audio failed half-way through. Thank mercury retrograde?). It’s a slow hip and spine release that can be a stand alone practice or a warm up to a longer flow.
Wrist and Shoulder Tune up (5/10/22)
90 minutes
A chatturanga-free flow practice that focuses heavily on shoulder and wrist health. We explore pulling action in the shoulders using a blanket to slide in and out, and a couple of blocks to change the feedback for the hands and wrists.
Sit with yourself
20 minutes
Drop-in, unwind your spine, unclog your shoulders, stretch your hips, and viola! Watch your energy shift. Two blocks and a strap. Great for the end of the day or as a movement snack between zoom calls.
Back-body unwind (5/9/22)
90 minutes
A slow flow focused on calves, hamstrings, and shoulder extension. Heavier on the juicy, stretchy postures than chatturangas. Two blocks and a wall are used.
Hips and shoulders flow (5/3/22)
Length: 90 minutes
A pretty old-school, straight-up flow with a good amount of intensity. We focus on the hips and shoulders and end with backbends. Two blocks help as does access to a wall.
Wall medicine (5/1/22)
60 minutes
A hip-focused, wall-based practice that uses the wall to investigate grounding and maneuvering the hips from the feet. Minimal weight-bearing on the hands. Two blocks, a strap, and a blanket make this practice more accessible.
Horizontal and circular hipsploration (4/26/22)
90 minutes
We start by using a strap to feel the circular nature of our breath, lift and support the spine, and drop into sensation. The flow takes us through a deep and low to the ground exploration of the hips, weaving in some backbends. Two blocks and a strap.
Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)
90 minutes
A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.
Cylinders and Hip Creases (4/19/22)
90 minutes
The internal focus of this practice is on 3D breathing, allowing access to the core and deep pelvic/hip awareness. Through this process, we drop into the hips and shoulders, spending ample time feeling and moving. We start at the wall.
Somatic Exploration
20 minutes
One of my favorite practices for times when everything feels a bit ‘too much’. It slows things down, allows me to feel into the spaces inside without ‘doing’ or imposing shapes. Move like water. Lucy approves :)
Scaffold and Spice (4/12/22)
90 minutes
Welcome to the culinary-metaphor series :) Yoga is a balance of opposing forces: a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The kicker is that this is a highly dynamic and subjective process, changing moment to moment and body to body. It’s a lot like cooking: how much spice, salt, sugar do you need to get what tastes good to you AND is nourishing?
This practice aims to drop us into our inner experience in a way that we can discern and fine-tune the spicy-ness of our postural practice. On the physical level, the hips and feet are the focal points.
Row Your Boat (4/10/22)
90 minutes
A lower back and SI joint focused flow that weaves core integration into somatic inquiries and traditional asana. We use a looped strap for feedback, but you could do it all without.